Friday, May 27, 2016

Local front lawn giving up on ever getting mowed

Ithaca, NY - Recent developments on the front lawn of local resident, Paul Munn, caused a few raised eyebrows in the immediate neighborhood, but went otherwise unnoticed in the grand scheme of things.

Sources observing through half closed curtains reported what they could only describe as a look of detached interest on Munn’s face as he watched flames emerge from the engine casing of his lawn mower. Passers by noted that what would normally be a somewhat annoying or even distressing situation seemed to Munn to be a cause for mild amusement. “Or perhaps he was crying,” they added, upon reconsideration.

Next door neighbor, Nerys Tanner, thought the spectacle might even be worthy of a Facebook post, and pondered whether a hashtag for watchingmylawnmowerburn already existed. “The grass was getting embarrassingly long,” she commented to reporters. “It always looks awful for about the first month of the Spring. He puts off that first mowing of the season for as long as he can.”

Glancing once more at the cloud of smoke in front of Munn’s house she added, “Guess it’s not going to get any shorter anytime soon.”