Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Local man decides Grabthar’s Hammer a really cool name for a band

Ithaca, NY - Following in the time honored tradition of naming bands after obscure movie references, local man and awful guitar player, Paul Munn, decided it would be worth forming his own band just so he could call it Grabthar’s Hammer.

Sources reported that they recognized the reference immediately, saying that it was far too obvious, and adding that it wasn’t even worth doing anymore, since Death Cab For Cutie had already done it in a more obscure and cool way than anyone else possibly could.

And no, sources added, any references to the Princess Bride (e.g. Thieves Forest, Miracle Max, Bruit Squad, Shrieking Eels, Montoya, Fezzik, Iocane, The More Deadly Poisons, R.O.U.S., Fire Swamp, Lightning Sand, Count Rugen, Six-Fingered Man, Pirate Ship Revenge, The Sound of Ultimate Suffering, Mostly Dead, A Little Alive, there are so many!), while admittedly uber cool, were also not even remotely obscure enough.

At press time, Munn decided that maybe an abstruse book reference, like maybe The Electric Monk, or Kreeblphor, would be better, but eventually settled on We Can’t Sing, But We’ve Got a Cool Name.