Ithaca, NY - Returning from the wastelands of the distant future, time traveler and former resident Paul Munn, took an unauthorized hiatus from his mission to avert the series of events that plunged humanity into endless war with the machines to visit his long dead wife. “Yeah, I was able to jump back into my own body in the year 2015, so I didn’t look any different to her. All very ‘Quantum Leap-y’. Or is it more ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past-y’?” he told reporters upon his return. “Anyway, there I am standing in the kitchen waiting for her to come home, so I started doing the dishes so she wouldn’t get on my case when she arrived. It’s weird... that kitchen, the house, all of Ithaca was scorched from the face of the Earth over thirty years ago and yet I’m thinking maybe I should clean up a bit. God, I miss her so much.”
Munn paused to wipe away a tear with a dirt smudged thumb. “Piece of grit in my eye. So where was I? Oh yeah, she comes home and starts in on me about the laundry. She was so beautiful, too. And I can tell she’s really not paying attention ‘cause she’s sending texts the whole time she's talking, and I want to tell her about running over the dog the last time she was looking at her phone as she pulled into the driveway, but then I’m like ‘oh wait, that didn’t happen yet’ so I can’t tell her, and then I remember I’m there to change the future anyway, so maybe I can save the dog while I’m at it, so we get into this whole fight about the damn dog, who I never liked much anyway, and she’s like ‘what the fuck are you even talking about?’ and I’m like ‘doesn’t matter anyway, everyone’s dead a year from now so why do I even care?’”
Munn stopped once more and hung his head. “She’s been gone so long, but it feels like I was just with her. Well, I kinda was just with her, but you know what I mean.” At this point, Munn’s close friend and fellow time traveler, Donn Erickson, clasped his shoulder in a show of support, “rough day huh?” Erickson then glanced around their battle scarred surroundings for effect and remarked “so, didn’t get around to saving the Earth then?”
“Well, you know how it is... I had to see her again. And once we got into the whole recurring thing about her pathological cleanliness, well I couldn’t just walk out and get back to the mission.”
“Yeah, I know how it is. Good job, Munn.”
At press time, Munn was checking with his publishing agent to make sure they included the whole human relationship / lost love angle if this thing ever got made into a movie.