Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I can see your house from here

From his vantage point on the edge of space, adventurer and daredevil Paul Munn, exclaimed to reporters “Wow, the view from up here is spectacular!” When pressed for further details he added, “Incredible. Simply breathtaking. I can see like a really, really long way... bloody cold though.”

After a brief pause he continued, “Ok - I’m feeling a bit sick. Going back in the capsule - let’s get this thing back on the ground.”

A brief exchange with his ground station ensued, after which Munn was overheard saying, “What’d ya’ mean I’m supposed to jump. I thought the parachute was just for emergencies!”

Another exchange elicited a long string of expletives from Munn, followed by an incredulous, “Hell no. HELL! NO! Nobody said anything about setting a world skydiving record!”

Malcolm Golding, director of the ground station spoke with reporters as events unfolded, “I knew this would happen... I just knew it.” Shaking his head and looking at the ground he added, “He’s in a capsule attached to a giant weather balloon, twenty three miles above the Earth... he’ll be up there for a very long time if he’s expecting us to help him out. Maybe he’ll freeze to death and then he’s not our problem anymore.”

At press time, “Ok, you guys are hilarious. Real funny. Seriously, joke’s over now - get me the fuck down from here!”

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