Friday, June 23, 2017

Local man convinced he’s the only one that gets the reference to San Junipero in review of Valerian

Ithaca, NY - Moviegoer and occasional Netflix watcher, Paul Munn, undeterred by eye rolling from individuals that shall remain nameless, announced that there was no way anyone state side would’ve watched the episode in question. “Maybe a few people back in England, but absolutely no one over here... ‘cept the two that did the review... but definitely no one else.”

Munn also remained convinced that no one but him had ever heard of Ulrich Schnauss or Mackintosh Braun, despite downloads of their music in the hundreds of thousands, and notwithstanding the fact that Mackintosh Braun sound like a boy-band, so really, why even admit you listen to them?

At press time, long suffering wife, Paula Cee, told reporters that, yes, Munn watched some pretty out there stuff and totally agreed that she had never heard of any of the weird shit he listens to on Pandora.

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