Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Evil Paul Munn’s blog identical to original except for, y’know, being evil

Evil Ithaca, Evil Parallel Universe - A version of Paul’s News In Brief titled “Evil Paul’s News In Brief”, posted in an evil parallel universe, written by Evil Munn, was found by reporters to be essentially identical to the original except for having the word ‘evil’ prefacing all of the proper nouns.

Upon digging a little deeper, our research department was able to find a couple of extra pictures of Evil Munn with a goatee, but that was pretty much it.

Evil sources told reporters they hadn’t previously been aware of the 'not' evil version, but now that they had had a chance to read both they conceded they were kinda similar, but the evil one was definitely much funnier.

Responding to accusations that all he had done was plagiarize the original Paul’s News In Brief, Evil Munn retorted that Munn stole all his ideas from the Onion’s News In Brief, so c'mon, which of them was really the evil one?

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